Nordstrand Camping - En verden til ferie



  • Toppen af Danmark
  • Frederikshavn Golfklub
  • Nordsøen Ocenarium
  • Fårup Sommerland
  • Dvertgved Søpark

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Here’s a brief presentation of Frederikshavn Nordstrand Camping and the holiday park’s partners, who we warmly recommend to our guests.

If you would like to know more about events in the “Land of Light”, visit the tourist bureau’s website, where you’ll find all the information you need.

The course is only 2 km from Frederikshavn Nordstrand Camping and Holiday Park. The club has an exciting 18-hole course in attractive and varied natural surroundings, and is open all year.

Experience the Oceanarium, northern Europe’s biggest aquarium with 4.5 million litres of water, where you can examine the North Sea’s diverse fish populations at close quarters. You can greet the grey and spotted seals in the outdoor sealarium – and see them being fed. The north Sea Museum is definitely worth a visit! Tickets with discount can be purchased at reception.

The well-known park which, with its many amusements, attracts children and the young at heart with a taste for excitement, play and experiences. Everything is here: wild slides, water park, river rafting and much more. Of course there’s also something for the little ones, such as driving school with mini-cars, trampolines, and a giant playground with everything a little heart can desire. There’s a bus from Frederikshavn Nordstrand Camping and Holiday Park direct to Fårup Summerland. Tickets with discount can be bought at reception.

Dvergtved marine park occupies 22,000 m2. Put & take lakes between Sindal and Frederikshavn – only half an hour’s drive from Frederikshavn Nordstrand Camping and Holiday Park. Attractively situated on an elevated early Stone Age sea floor. Tools more than 7,000 years old have been found here.