Frederikshavn Nordstrand Camping A/S
Apholmenvej 40
DK-9900 Frederikshavn
Tlf. +45 9842 9350
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Read our terms and conditions here:
I-ban konto: DK5890701631892481
Swift: VRSPDK22
Sparekassen Vendsyssel: Regnr. 9070 Kontonr. 1631892481
The site is open from 04.04.25-14.09.25.
Please feel free to contact us for information and bookings all year round.
Road directions
On motorway E45 from the south:
Stay on the motorway until it ends immediately south of Frederikshavn. Carry straight on along highway 40, right through the town. At the northern edge of the town, turn right at the roundabout, onto Apholmenvej road. You will come to Frederikshavn Nordstrand Camping after 500 m.
From Hirtshals:
Take road 597, eastwards. At the roundabout north of Ålbæk, turn right, to the south, onto highway 40. At the northern edge of Frederikshavn, turn left at the roundabout, onto Apholmenvej road. You will come to Frederikshavn Nordstrand camping after 500 m.
GPS coordinates:
LON 10° 31‘ 38.70′
LAT 57° 27‘ 50.70

Online Payment
Have you all ready booked your vacation? Pay online here!